Zoom Link: https://montclair.zoom.us/j/84861682701
This is an hour-long, hands-on workshop designed for those who are brand new to R & RStudio, or those who would like a refresher in it, and learn best by doing. You will learn the basics of R and data science by practicing on examples within the RStudio IDE (integrated development environment). We'll discuss several basic and intermediate operations including data transformation and tidying (dplyr), data visualization (ggplot2), statistical analyses and reports (lm, afex, markdown), and text modeling with twitter (rtweet, tidytext). Two HR datasets will be provided, one on employee attrition and another on HR twitter trends. The aim is to introduce students and practitioners to the power of R to carry out basic and advanced analyses along with capabilities to visualize and report findings. Note that workshops will have a registration cap to focus on feedback and skill building. This workshop will be limited to the first 25 registrants.
Learning objectives
- R Syntax and R Studio: Introducing objects, functions, and vectorization along with different panels of the R Studio interface.
- Data Manipulation: How to import, describe, and manipulate data using the dplyr verbs including selecting columns, filtering cases, calculating new variables, rearranging rows, and computing summary statistics.
- Basic Visualization: Learn the grammar of graphics (in ggplot2) which affords immense flexibility in the way you visually represent trends, differences, and associations.
- Statistical Reporting: Run multiple regression and ANOVA. Convert model output into tables and present alongisde text in a report using markdown.
- New Frontiers - Text Mining: Learn how to extract, pre-process, simplify, and analyze text data in terms of frequencies and bigrams
Given the aim of the workshop is to expose novices to R the emphasis will be showcasing what R can do as opposed to a deep dive into mechanics, language, or package operations. Hence little time will be devoted to installation, programming, data structures, management, interpretation, and errors.
You'll be using RStudio Cloud, a cloud-based version of R and RStudio available through your web browser. So (all going well) on the day of the workshop all you'll need is a laptop that can access the internet. Please do sign up for an account on RStudio Cloud before the workshop. You can make an account directly on RStudio Cloud, or use single-sign-on with a service like GitHub or Google.
In the unlikely event that there are problems with the conference internet connection, you may want to have a local installation on your computer as a backup. If you'd like, install the following:
A recent version of R (~4.1.1), which is available for free at cran.r-project.org
A recent version of RStudio IDE (~1.4.1717-3), available for free at www.rstudio.com/download
The set of relevant R packages, which you can install by connecting to the internet, opening RStudio, and running:
install.packages(c("afex", "corrplot", "tidyverse", "emmeans", "ggraph", "igraph", "kable", "kableExtra", "modelsummary", "reshape2", "rtweet", "sjPlot", "tidytext", "topicmodels", "viridis", "wordcloud", "xaringan"))
Dan Simonet is an Associate Professor in the Psychology Department at Montclair State University (NJ). He is Director of the I/O PhD and MA program and teaches courses in Data Science, Psychometrics, and Multivariate Statistics. His research focuses on personality and individual differences at work.