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New York Metropolitan Association of Applied Psychology

March METRO Meeting: No Longer Invisible: What Does It Mean to Be Asian in I/O?

  • 23 Mar 2022
  • 6:00 PM (EDT)
  • Virtual


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No Longer Invisible: What Does It Mean to Be Asian in I/O?

In the midst of a widespread racial reckoning and increased discrimination and violence against Asians during the COVID-19 pandemic, Asians in I/O was created as an organization to connect Asians within our field, create greater awareness of the multifaceted Asian experience, and empower Asian I/O psychologists and allies to take action. This talk will focus on issues facing Asians in America, both within the workplace and more broadly, spark discussion on recommendations for organizations and researchers, and highlight what Asians in I/O is currently working on.

Presenter Bios:

Shannon Cheng (she/her/hers) is a Senior Knowledge Analyst at McKinsey & Company and one of the co-founders of Asians in I/O. She graduated from Rice University with her PhD in I/O Psychology in 2021, and her research has focused on DE&I in the workplace, from individual, interpersonal, and organizational perspectives. She is passionate about translating DE&I research into practice and empowering individuals to create more sustained, structural changes within organizations.

Alex Hsu is an Independent Consultant that provides advice to tech companies and start-ups on issues related to human capital and DEI.  As a co-founder of Asians in I/O, he is focused on improving awareness and appreciation for issues impacting the Asian community, and is intent on advancing research and best practices in order to do so.


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